...and I found out right away because I was testing another dance, but I could only test that dance if I passed the Paso, so my coach went to find out and she came back and told me I better get ready to get my but back on the ice....and then I screamed, and everybody looked, and then everybody knew I had just passed my Paso...lol. My other dance, the Quickstep, I failed but that was okay because it's a Gold dance, so they have much higher expectations, and it was my first try so I was okay, I got the important one!
So, my friend knew I was taking this test for the sixth time and I really wanted to pass it so she texted me to see how I did and I told her and today in church she brought me flowers with a Congrats balloon. I was totally surprised and felt so extremely blessed to have a friend like her. I love you Claire!!!!
here's a picture of the flowers....
On another note, we starting Carnival this week and I think it will be unlike any others, which is good. It's going to be alot of fun, especially the StarSkate numbers!
Carnival is on March 15th and you are all invited to come!
That's all for now, hope your having a good day!
I'm going to leave you with my
Top 10 things beautiful things/things that make me smile
[I saw it on another blog and thought it was a great idea]
1. Bring crazy with Brittany during Stolen by Dashboard Confessional at the rink
2. The picture speaks for itself....
3. Mia's stories at the rink [she's one of my skaters]...and the infamous Oinky.
Here's the story...we have this stuffed pig that is covered in blue marker but its still in pretty good shape otherwise so we still use it...anyways I took it out on the ice the one day with a bunch of other stuffed animals and Mia found it and fell in love with it...she named it Oinky and asks for it at every session, and when I say 'I'm gonna get Oinky, she screams and skates away-running away from me. This last monday she told me that Oinky needed a bed so I gave her a plastic container and she put Oinky in there and went on her merry way skating around, and all of a sudden she comes up to me and says 'Your my mom' and I said 'I'm your mom?' and she said 'yeah, Your the mom and I'm the kid and this is our pet Oinky' and so I asked her where we lived, and she said 'in this circle[since we were standing in one of the five circles on the ice]' and then she skated off and I was standing there chuckling to myself, thinking of the imagination in that kid.
4. Sitting out on the beach at night and seeing the moonlight on the water
5. Watching movies with my friends...squished on the coach
6. my bulletin board - which is 'scrapbooked' with pictures, flowers, cut-outs, and a bunch of other stuff.
7. Jordan when she asks for kisses after we've[syncro] skated, so she can have red lips on her cheeks.

8. The way it looks when the trees are frosted and the snow has freshly fallen
9. The Color ORANGE
10. Reed [one of my skaters] telling me he wanted to be
Tiger[from Winnie the Pooh] when he grew up.