Friday, March 30, 2007

Retail Marketing

So, I've been doing some research for a school project on future careers/colleges/ universities and I actually found something that I am interested in studying; Retail Marketing. I was doing research on the University of Saskatchewan, because thats where I am planning to go to University. The funny thing was that I hadn't even thought about retail marketing until searching the website. I knew I wanted to go into business or design of some sort, and this is kinda both in a sense. For those of you who don't know what retail marketing is, its to familiarize students with the decisions involved in developing sustainable competitive advantage in retailing and the concepts and principles for making those decisions to promote higher sales and profits.
I haven't made any final course decisions, especially since I'm not planning to go to University this fall, but next fall. Anyways, I thought this was kinda cool, because I was kinda in the dark about what I wanted to focus on in University.
Well, thats all for now.
God Bless

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring Break

So, spring break is this week, so I am enjoying sleeping in, and relaxing before I go back to school only for another three months, can you believe it?
On Friday was my 18th Birthday, and my parents took me out for supper to Boston Pizza, and then I just hung out the rest of the evening. Alot of my friends weren't around on my birthday, so I didn't have a party, not yet anyways. So far I have received some scrapbooking supplies, jewellry, flowers, and stars on ice tickets! Anybody who has any good ideas for what I should do for my 18th
birthday party please let me know.
This weekend was pretty laid back, I went to the Morden Ice Show on Saturday night with some of the other skaters. I thought it was really good, their theme was 'Reality On Ice' it was so cute. It was cool to see how other clubs run their ice shows.
Spring School [skating] starts next week, I'm actually looking forward to it. I have a coach which is exciting, and I'm hoping to finally pass my Paso Doble. I also have hopes of landing my axel, my coach has seen my practice it and thinks that she can help me land it, so I'm kinda anxious, I really want to land that jump. I've been working on it for a long time.
I have also decided to take the first coaching course in May, I was kinda leary about missing so much school, but I'm hoping to make some of the work up before I leave, so that its not such a big load of homework when I get back.
I decided to leave part of a song that has really inspired me, with all those who look at my blog.

One Way Jesus - Joel Houston
You are the way, the truth and the light
we live by faith and not by sight for you,
we live it all for you
One Way Jesus
You're the only one that I could live for

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Today was test day and I got another retry on my Paso, but I did pass my Starlight, so that was good, my goal was to pass at least one, so I met my goal. The regular season with skating is winding down, only one week left. Then it's Spring School in Morden, which I will be working on my axel, and my Paso.
Carnival went well, I skated my program really well which was awesome, I was pretty nervous and I felt really shaky before I went out on the ice, so for me it was such a high. I had a nice sized cheering section..thanks guys:D I even got flowers and candy form my cheering section!!!The night seemed to go very smoothly, and all my worries about the night disappeared. Although, my chicky Brittany's blade broke which sucked, and so she couldn't skate her program or our last routine. So, Kyla, took her place, take note, she didn't know the steps till that day...and she did wonderfully! You rock Kyla:D
I went grad ring shopping yestersday, and looked at a few, but didn't order one because they haven't gotten the new designs in yet, so I'm waiting for a week or so. I got my grad proofs in the mail last week and am quite pleased with them, not a fan of the cap on my head, but oh well. Grad's coming up [note the ticker], and I'm getting excited, but can't lose focus, I have 3 exams at the end of the semester to get through still, so yeah, once I'm done those I will more be excited.
Things generally are going pretty good, I just have to believe in myself and God and I will be 100% okay.
Anyways, I hope your day or week for the matter is going well as you read this. God Bless

I'm out:D
P.S. Rach - I put the baby ticker up for ya, happy?, now where is my name on your friends list?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Organized Chaos

So, I haven't updated in awhile and I've been trying, but my computer hasn't been letting me unless I sign up for the new blogger, so finally today after a few tries I got it to work. Anyways, you are probably wondering about my title, well thats been my life this last week. On Monday, we had the official dress rehersal for Carnival and it was, lets just say a little hectic, but everything went as planned, kinda, and I feel pretty good about Saturday! Official Dress Rehersal pretty much is pictures, and running through all the programs, so for me and the other pa's and the coaches its a pretty long 3 hours. I think we all changed four times if not more, its going to be crazy Saturday night, but I'm getting excited and nervous already.
Monday after dress rehersal the Starskaters [which is the more advanced skaters, like me] had an hour of ice and so I was running through my Paso [the dance which I feel and injured my right knee on] and I feel again, no not on my knee, but I feel and cut the back of my left leg open. At first I didn't think it was anything, because I couldn't see any blood, and my tights weren't ripped or anything, but it wouldn't stop throbbing, so I went to the dressing room and took on layer of tights off and noticed blood on that pair, so I took of my skates and tights to see that I had a pretty nasty cut on my leg, so luckly I had my snap up pants and snapped them on and went to the lobby where some of the parents were watching and was like, 'I need a nurse' So, they cleaned it and were like, I think you need stitches. So, I called my mom and she took me to the hospital and I got 5 stitches. So, that night it wasn't painful at all, since it was frozen and all, but the next day it hurt to move it. But its doing much better already, I skated yesterday, cautiously, but the doctor said I was good to go for Saturday.
Anyways, I found out the other day the my coaching course is being offered at the beginning of may, which kinda sucks because I have my school band tour the 1-3 and then my course is the 4-6 so I'd miss 4 days of school.
Anyways, thats all for now. Remember to come to the Winkler Arena at 7:00 on Saturday for Carnival!!!