Monday, September 18, 2006

Some Pictures...

Hey Everybody!
I have decided to add some pictures to my blog. Yesterday I was babysitting my 'babies' neighbors, which are soo cute, and anyways I was borrowing a digital camera from school and so I took the kids to the park and we took some I decided to put some on here so you can see a very special part of my life!! ENJOY!!
This is Naomi--she wants to slide on the purple Here, she's playing peek-a-boo with me!!
Here she was looking for me and she just found me
This is Logan just before he slides down the slide
Here is Naomi goofing around at home

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics Amy! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun at the park. I'm glad you love babysitting! I'll have to remember that for the future!! haha.