Friday, September 01, 2006

School Starts....

So, School starts in less than a week, as does skating!...I can't believe it that in a week or two I'll be living a set, work, school, skate, school, work, school, get the picture. I have loved working days at my job at superstore and having evenings off...but now I'll be working or skating or doing homework or doing something to do with school, work or skating. It's been a wild ride...high school that is...and I'm almost done!...only one more year!...It's funny how fast life passes you by...anyways...I'm starting to sound like I'm 80 looking back on my entire I'm going to go to bed and get my beauty sleep...and I'll be back when something exciting happens!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I told you yesterday that I would comment, so here it is!! lol. I have a little bit of advice for you going into grade 12, you can either listen or just forget what I said. Take time to cherish every single minute of school, it goes by so fast, and soon it will be all over!!! Also, don't be afraid to make new friends - you want to make as many as possible because after school you won't talk to most of them. I've already lost contact with friends from school!!! So that's my little piece of advice. It's up to you what you want to do about it - I'm not gonna tell you what to do. I also wanted to say thanks for all the encouragement as I go through this rough time without Matt!! Most of my friends are gone away to school so thanks for always being there when I need someone to talk to and I'm sure you will be seeing many tears throughout this year!!!! Thanks again Amy, you are an awesome friend!!!