So, this afternoon I had a skating test. Their are four main types of skating tests; dance, skills, freeskate, and interpretive. I took a dance test this afternoon, the Paso Doble. midway through warm-up I tripped on my pick and fell flat on my face, really hitting my knee. Everybody kinda gasped when I went down, and asking if I was okay, and I was, but my legs were just shaking, so I got up, and kept practicing, but in the back of my mind thinking about falling again. I was just in alot of pain, but decided to just suck it up and do this. So, when it was my turn, I went to the start with my dance partner and started my dance, and it was going smoothly until we got to the part where I fell and I kinda blanked and missed a step and so I was just going to keep going, but the judge stopped the music, and I got a retry, which is the nice way of saying fail. So anyways, that was my afternoon. Hope you all have a great weekend!
A Pic a Day - Day 30
12 years ago