I had been pondering which club I should register with the last few days and just couldn't make up my mind. I really enjoy skating in Morden because of the atmosphere and the people. But I really felt a little obligated to register in Winkler because its where I had started skating and I knew everybody and it is such a nice tight group but I really didn't have many good memories there because of last season. I felt like I needed a fresh start, but I didn't want to hurt the people in morden that have become my some of my best friends these last few years. I knew I would be skating in both places anyways but it was still a big decision I really didn't want to have to make. I didn't want to hurt anybodys feelings but I wasn't really thinking about what was best for me. So, I tried to make a list of the pros and cons considering costs and everything, and I really was going to miss our carnival, but I thought if that is the only reason for me to register in Winkler that was really really selfish. So, I just hope that I don't hurt anybody by my decision because that is not my intention, but I decided to register in Morden. Please pray that this season goes well and I hope that your day is going super duper!
God Bless
A Pic a Day - Day 30
12 years ago
I'm so happy for you Amy!!! I hope and pray you will have a better season this year. We will really miss you in Winkler!! I also hope and pray that the Winkler club will smarten up soon. lol There's so much crap going on and it ticks me off especially since it all has to do with me! Oh well, God has a plan for everyone and we just need to always remember that.
I hope you are feeling good about your decision. I'll be praying for you about your skating & work and what this year will hold for you. Love you lots sis!
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