Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
10 Reasons to Smile
Reason One:

I have this picture framed in my room, and the other morning it was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes :)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Syncro - First Day
Monday, November 03, 2008
First Day
Monday, October 20, 2008
I work at the Heartland Inn and we need a name for our Lounge open early 2009, and I need some ideas, I can't think of anything!
Let me know what you think, give me some ideas of names!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Night Shift Ramblings
*I love the smell when it has rained - fresh, clean, pure, innocent.
*I love the sound, the smell, the feeling in a completly empty arena-when you are the only one, its so quiet, and peaceful.
*I am feeling good about our Syncro routine so far!
*Enjoyed supper tonight with the team-so many memories.
*Who would have thought that lettuce on a pizza would be a good idea - genius...BLT pizza...yummm
*Kinda annoyed that there are only a few test days all season for high tests...arghhhh...just want to pass all my dances.
*Is excited about the getting to eat at the Country Kitchen tomorrow...only one in Canada...and its right here in Winkler
*Is in need of some rocking CanSkate music
*Had a good first day coaching in Morden on Friday - the kids are so great!
*Need to practice practice practice all my turns on Tuesday.
*Had fun at the Syncro workshop today - good bonding experience.
*Thinking tomorrow will be a good day
*Is glad that everything worked out at work
*Is feeling okay about coaching starting next month...only a few weeks away...although kinda freaking out about learning the syncro points system...why must it be soooo confusing and sooooo technical.
*Is glad Pam is always just an email away:D
Thats all for night shift ramblings.
Hope you all have a great week!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
Goodbye Summer, Hello Chaos
I got offered a coaching job coaching groupskate in Morden about a month ago, and I said yes, it is the perfect opportunity for a new coach because you are getting to know the up and coming skaters who will likely be your private lesson skaters in a few years, so that was exciting. Then a few weeks ago, I got approached by a few different people about coaching this winter, and I told them all I would think about it, but I didn't give any definates. I debated what I wanted to do, weighed the pro's and con's and decided to take the two other coaching jobs I was offered. So, I am going to be coaching in Manitou [Head Coach], as well I will be Coaching StarSkate and Syncro in Notre Dame. I am so excited and completely freaked out about coaching Syncro, and so when I was told that my Syncro coach referred me it was a huge complement and reassurance that I could handle it. So needless to say, this winter is going to be super busy, but I am excited about the new opportunities and challenges. I am going to start looking for music for Syncro in the next few days, so if anybody has any ideas for music, let me know.
So for a while now, my friend and I have wanted to have a girls weekend, and so we decided that we should go to Winnipeg for the weekend, so on Saturday my friend and I are going into the city, getting our nails done, and staying at the Clarion hotel and just relaxing for the weekend. It's going to be so nice to have one last weekend before I need to start planning for skating. I'm so excited.
Thanksgiving is coming up soon and my parents and I are going to Saskatoon to visit my brother, and SIL as well as Brendan, it is his birthday the weekend before so we are going out for that as well. I can't wait to see my little man.
Anyways, thats all for now.
I hope you are having a great week
God Bless
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Life's Too Short
This week the world lost a great man, and my heart goes out to his family, and I pray that God gives them peace and comfort during this time of unimaginable pain and loss.
I leave you with this:
But we feel like we do when we make fun of him
Cause you want to belong do you go along
Cause his pain is the price paid for you to belong
Its not like we hate him or want him to die
But maybe he goes home and thinks suicide
Or he comes back to school with a gun at his side
And a kindness from you might have saved his life
Heroes are made when you make a choice
You could be a hero
Heroes do whats right
You could be a hero, You might save a life
You could be a hero, You could join a fight
For whats right for whats right for whats right
No one talks to her, she feels so alone
Shes in too much pain to survive on her own
The hurt she cant handle overflows to a knife
She writes on her arm, wants to give up her life
Each day she goes on is a day that she's brave,
Fighting the lie that giving up is the way,
Each moment of courage her own life she saves when she throws the pills out, a hero is made
No one talks to him about how he lives
He thinks that the choices he makes are just his
Doesn't know he's a leader with the way he behaves
And others will follow the choices hes made
He lives on the edge, hes old enough to decide
His brother who wants to be him is just nine
He can do what he wants because its his right
The choices he makes change a nine year olds life
Little Micky Dee was the one in class who every day got totally harassed,
This went on for years until he decided he would never shed another tear,
So he walked through the door, grabbed a 44 and Said "I can't take life no more",
and just like that life can be lost,
But this ain't even about that, All of us just sat back and watched it happened,
Think it's not our responsibility to solve a problem that isn't about me,
This is our problem this is just one of the daily scenarios which we choose to cause a rise,
Instead of doing the right thing, If we make a choice,
To be the voice, for those who won't speak up for themselves,
How many life's would we save, ? rearranged now it's our turn to pick a side,
So don't keep walking by not wanting to intervene, cause you just wanna exist but never be seen So lets wake up , Change the world, Our time is now
Friday, July 25, 2008
It's been awhile
I'm loving my new job, the people are great, it's nice being appreciated at work, and liking what you do, it makes the day go by so much faster! I really enjoy getting to know the guests, especially those staying awhile, I've learned to be more outgoing, and have more confidence in myself, its very easy to second guess yourself, but I am becoming more confident in my abilities.
I'm still skating, I took a few weeks off when there was no ice, went on a little vacation to Saskatoon which was so much fun, it was so nice not having to be anywhere at a particular time, sleeping in was fantastic, and spending time with Brendan was so great, [Kevin and Rach you were great't worry I didn't forget about you two:D] I'm not sure if it's just a new time in my life or if I am just more open minded, but lately I've been really impacted and inspired by almost everything. I feel more creative and more driven and passionate, which is good, but its not like I'm being inspired by new things its things I have dealt with before things I have seen before or heard before, its kinda strange but also very uplifting at the same time.
Back to skating, I just bought new skates, so far everything is still there I didn't lose any jumps or spins or anything, but they are pretty stiff, I started skating again last week, and it was good to be back on the ice, I'm looking forward to coaching and skating, it will be a new challenge but I'm ready for it.
I hope everybody is having a fantastic summer!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
4 Days Left!!
Kevin and Rachel are coming home tonight, and I am super excited to see them but to be perfectly honest, I am super duper excited to see Brendan, sorry guys, Baby ALWAYS They are staying until July 7th, and then I am going home with them and staying for a week and then flying home on July 14th, I have never flown before but I am so excited about the new opportunity. Anyways, I am sure I will have some awesome pictures to post in the next few days of the two most awesome people in the whole world...Brendan and Me!!
Anyways thats All for me for now, I hope you are having a great day!!!
God Bless
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Proud to be a Nascar Girl

So, now I am a huge Nascar Fan.
Friday, May 30, 2008
...and the winner is...

David Cook
American Idol Season 7 winner

Kristi Yamaguchi
Dancing with the Stars season 6 winner

Coca-Cola 600 winner
Sprint All-Star Challenge winner

Friday, May 16, 2008
For starters I took my last coaching course at the beginning of May, so I can now coach, I've already started, there is this little girl in Morden who was coached by a friend of mine but she broke her foot so she asked me to take over for her for the time being. I love coaching...I can't wait until fall when I can really get into it. I'm so pumped!!!
Continuing with skating, I haven't had to much success with testing lately, I passed my Vienesse Waltz at the end of April, so I'll be testing again in August, so I have alot of work to do yet to get everything ready, but I think I'll be fine. I'm getting new skates which should make things interesting, hopefully it won't change anything. I'm getting them hopefully in July, so they should be good and broken-in by test day.
On to other things...the weather has been beautiful lately and today is no exception...I've been spending as much time as possible outside. Of course with nice weather comes lots of pictures!

The one day Naomi and Logan were playing on the trampoline [Josiah was at school] and they were playing so nicely to together and I snapped some super cute pictures of themand I can't forget logans orange of our old neighbors found it at at garage sale and gave it to them and logan just goes nuts when he is driving it...he rips around the corners...and so here is my 'ode to the orange car.'
and I will leave you with my favorite picture of my favorite trio.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
I'm still here
Hope you are having a great week!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
Well last weekend was a busy busy one, on Friday I got off work and headed over to the rink, it being the last practice before carnival and everything and then raced home and headed across the street to babysat in the evening. On Saturday I had a Competition as well as Carnival in the evening. The Competition was for Syncro and was in Virden and it didn't go very well, we had a few falls and one of my teamates was really sick and actually went to the hospital after we competed, she is okay though she had a migrane and dehydration, that along with the stresses of cometiting, she just felt really really awful. After we skated we raced home, because we skated at 4pm and Carnival started at 7pm and its a 3ish hour drive to Virden so I didn't even take my skates off, until we were driving, and I had to change and everything in the backseat. We got to the Arena in Winkler just as they were singing Oh Canada, so we weren't too late. Carnival went pretty good, it was fun. On Sunday I had a test day and an easter gathering. Test Day wasn't very successful, I failed all three of my tests; two dances and one skills. My easter gathering was pretty good, me and my cousing played dance dance revolution and I met my cousins girlfriend for the first time and she was pretty cool.

I also got my hair cut this week, I had wanted to cut if for awhile already but I couldn't because of Syncro...since we have to have our hair in a bun, but know that syncro is over I cut it and I love it.
Anyways thats all for now
Have a Happy Easter!!
God Bless
Friday, March 07, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
...and I found out right away because I was testing another dance, but I could only test that dance if I passed the Paso, so my coach went to find out and she came back and told me I better get ready to get my but back on the ice....and then I screamed, and everybody looked, and then everybody knew I had just passed my My other dance, the Quickstep, I failed but that was okay because it's a Gold dance, so they have much higher expectations, and it was my first try so I was okay, I got the important one!
So, my friend knew I was taking this test for the sixth time and I really wanted to pass it so she texted me to see how I did and I told her and today in church she brought me flowers with a Congrats balloon. I was totally surprised and felt so extremely blessed to have a friend like her. I love you Claire!!!!
here's a picture of the flowers....
On another note, we starting Carnival this week and I think it will be unlike any others, which is good. It's going to be alot of fun, especially the StarSkate numbers!
Carnival is on March 15th and you are all invited to come!
That's all for now, hope your having a good day!
I'm going to leave you with my
Top 10 things beautiful things/things that make me smile
[I saw it on another blog and thought it was a great idea]
1. Bring crazy with Brittany during Stolen by Dashboard Confessional at the rink
2. The picture speaks for itself....
3. Mia's stories at the rink [she's one of my skaters]...and the infamous Oinky.
Here's the story...we have this stuffed pig that is covered in blue marker but its still in pretty good shape otherwise so we still use it...anyways I took it out on the ice the one day with a bunch of other stuffed animals and Mia found it and fell in love with it...she named it Oinky and asks for it at every session, and when I say 'I'm gonna get Oinky, she screams and skates away-running away from me. This last monday she told me that Oinky needed a bed so I gave her a plastic container and she put Oinky in there and went on her merry way skating around, and all of a sudden she comes up to me and says 'Your my mom' and I said 'I'm your mom?' and she said 'yeah, Your the mom and I'm the kid and this is our pet Oinky' and so I asked her where we lived, and she said 'in this circle[since we were standing in one of the five circles on the ice]' and then she skated off and I was standing there chuckling to myself, thinking of the imagination in that kid.
4. Sitting out on the beach at night and seeing the moonlight on the water
5. Watching movies with my friends...squished on the coach
6. my bulletin board - which is 'scrapbooked' with pictures, flowers, cut-outs, and a bunch of other stuff.
7. Jordan when she asks for kisses after we've[syncro] skated, so she can have red lips on her cheeks.

8. The way it looks when the trees are frosted and the snow has freshly fallen
9. The Color ORANGE
10. Reed [one of my skaters] telling me he wanted to be
Tiger[from Winnie the Pooh] when he grew up.
Friday, February 15, 2008
My Valentines
Here's a sneak peak.

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Unfortunately I don't have any pics of my team [Junior] or the Pre-Juvinille at the moment so if I can find some I'll post them then.
Hope you are having a great day!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Things are still hectic with skating everyday, except Saturday, Carnival is coming up in less than two months...crazy!!! I'm leaving in two weeks for a Syncro Competition in Camrose, Alberta, I kinda have mixed feelings, I'm excited to go, but we still have a ton of work to do before we compete. Regionals went alright, I skated pretty well, the judges didn't really think so, but I can't do anything about that. Since that is the only competition for me this year, I'm kinda done for the season, so I started laying out my goals for next season already, and have been focusing on those these last few practices. I've been looking for some new program music, I haven't decided if I'm going to stick with the same music from this year, or get some new stuff. I'll probably only change one piece of music if I change anything.
That's all for now
God Bless
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Skate for Her
Skate for her.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
A Year In Review
Here is a look back at my 2007:

And as I look forward to a new year, full of new experiences, I will hold onto the past to remind me of where I have come from, and where I want to go. I will remember those who broke my heart and those you helped me put it back together. I will take chances and step out of my comfort zone and trust God to keep my heart in tact. I will hold onto the things most important to me and take each day one step at a time, and when it seems like I can't go on, I will hold on to the promise that God is always with me. I will cherish my friends and my family, I will try and live each day to the fullest, and I will make the most of each opportunity, because if I have learned anything in 2007 I have learned that you never know how long things will last, so don't wait for the right moment, just live. I will laugh harder and more often, and I will love with all of my heart. I will hug my friends and tell them how much they mean to me. I will do my best to make people welcome no matter where they are from or what they look like.
All in all my New Years Revolution is to be the best that I can be.