Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Everyone is welcome to leave their opinion!
Here are the options:

The music is really upbeat
it's called 'Samba Adagio' by Safri Duo if you wanna check it out
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Coaching is going really well, it has its moments but it is definatly giving me a good look at the job. Mondays are my favorite with the little 2-4 year olds, they're so cute, and absolutly LOVE bubbles. They are all doing so well, and the parents seem to be liking my way of teaching which is a great encouragment.
I am new to the ebay thing but with the help of my neighbor, I ordered a skating dress from China about a week ago, so I'm hoping it will come soon. I'm super pumped, I hope it fits, and if it does, I'm ordering another one for my short program. The great thing is that they make the dress for you, so you send them your measurements and they make the dress for your body. Its so great and cheaper than having one made in town.
I also finally got a cd player in my car--no more radio!!!! and my command start got fixed, no more running outside to turn my car on!
I am about half done my christmas shopping, I have two more gifts left for my family and a few left for friends. I can't believe that it's almost christmas, these past few months have just flown by.
I think thats all for now, I hope you are all having a great week so far, its almost done!
God Bless!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
A Playmate for Baby B
Jason and Jennie gave birth to a baby boy,
Lincoln Maddox this afternoon at 4:45.
I'll post pictures asap. Thats all for now!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
High Fives!
5 Things that you cannot live without for under $10/each:
White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks
Chocolate Crossiants
Labello - Pearl and Shine lip gloss
My Watch - it was like $12, but close enough
My Day Planner
5 Of Your Favorite Movies:
Because I Said So...
Stomp the Yard
The Cutting Edge: Going for Gold
The Guardian
The Holiday
5 +5 = 10 baby names that you love (5 for a girl, and 5 for a boy!):
5 songs you could listen to over & over & over:
Rylynn - Andy McKee [Instrumental]
Taking Chances - Celine Dion
So Small - Carrie Underwood
Believe - Suzy McNeil
Everything I'm Not - The Veronicas
5 people who have influenced your life in a positive way:
Pam - My Syncro Coach
My Parents
Kim - Coach
Tracy - Youth Sponser
and a whole host of other people, all my friends...the list goes on.
5 items that stay in your purse all the time:
My Day Planner
My Wallet
My Nametag for Work
My Sunglasses
Lip Gloss
5 moments when you knew everything had changed FOREVER:
The Day I got a Job
The Day I got my Drivers
The Day I started Coaching
The Day my Brother left for College
The Day my Brother got Married
5 books you really would like to read (or finish - if you're in the middle of one):
The Notebook
A Walk to Remeber
Ever After - Karen Kingsbury
Sunrise series - Karen Kingsbury
Just Beyond the Clouds - Karen Kingsbury
5 obsessions you have right now:
Landing my Axel
Finding the Perfect dress for my Short Program
Finding a New Job
Saving Words For Jesus
If Jesus is so great, how come we use the same words to describe him as we do other earthly things?
It really made me think about how important is he in our lives if we can't even find a word to describe our creator?
It's just something to think about...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My life is super crazy yet boring all at the same time.
I'm skating six days a week and have been asked to be a coach, thats right an actual coach, getting paid and everything, so thats super exciting, I'm just hoping all goes well and that people will take me seriously as a coach. Skating is going well, both my programs are done and I love them, its so cool to design them yourself, then you get exactly what you want, well mostly, I did have my one coach, Almira help me create footwork and an ending position for my short program.
Other than skating and work I have no, but thats okay.
I babysat my neighbors for the first time in a long time today, and it went so smoothly so that was good, I had babysat for Quinn and Kierra about a year ago or more, and since then they have had a baby so I had her too, and she was so good for me which was awesome!!! I babysit for them 2 a month on Tuesdays.
Other than that, life is pretty much skating and work, but thats okay, I'm glad I'm busy, anyways I hope you are having a great day and God Bless!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Something Good...
Sunday, October 07, 2007
With a Thankful Heart...
I am thankful for...
*Brendan James - my new nephew, love you so much!
*My Family
*My Friends - I miss you guys:D
*People who make me laugh
*People who have stuck by me through everything
*My Neighbors
**Josiah, Logan, Noami, Quinn, Kierra, and you all to pieces**
* God - Your Grace is Enough For Me
* Skating
**My Coaches, My Fellow Skaters, The Little Skaters**
*New Opportunities
*Life in General - It's truly a gift
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I hope you are having a great day!
God Bless
It's a Boy
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Quick little update
Skating is going good, starting next week, skating is going to be more frequent, so I'll be a little busier than right now, but I'm really looking forward to it. Syncro is going so good, the atmosphere is almost relaxing. It is really hard, getting everything and everybody in sync with each other but once you get it is so gratifying.
I'm still job hunting, getting a little discouraged, but I just need to trust that God will send me where I'm supposed to go, and that I will listen to him.
In other news, I took the cutest pictures of my neighbors; Josiah, Logan and Naomi on Friday night, but I didn't take them with a digital camera so I can't post them on here. Hopefully soon I will buy a digital camera. I have picked out which one I want, its a Canon, so I'm saving my pennies so that I can buy it.
I'll try and blog more frequently this week, its just hard because sometimes life isn't very interesting around here.
Anyways, I'm off to church, hope you are having an awesome weekend.
I'll see ya when I see ya.
God Bless
Monday, September 17, 2007
On the Fence
God Bless
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A Fresh Start
I am still searching for a job, if anybody knows of anything please let me know, even if I don't know you, and you look at my blog, I'm open to suggestions.
I found out yesterday that I might be an auntie sooner than I think, which is causing me to be very antsy last night and today. My sister-in-law Rachel, told me that she might be two weeks further along than she thought which would make the baby due on Thursday, which is so exciting, I can't wait to be an auntie, and twice yet, I just can't wait.
Other than skating taking up all my time, I have been asked to babysit every other tuesday starting in October, which I am also excited about.
Also, I just finished my CanSkate assignment, so I am planning to get that in the mail this week yet. It seems that so much is happening, and so far it is all good, so I am very thankful for everything.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Goodbye Greg
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Whopper of an Update

Right after grad I cut my hair short and put an orange streak in it, and I love it, I had been wanting to cut my hair for a while already and my friends were like, you have to wait till after grad, so I did, but right after it was short. Here are some pics of me with my short hair.

My summer has been awesome. My family went camping over the July long weekend to Clear Lake. It was fun, a little colder than I thought, but fun anyways. I went to Minniapolis July 9-11 with my youth as our grad trip. I had forgotten how small school buses were, and how there are no comfortable positions on a bus, especially for that long of a time. Oh well, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. It was awesome, we went to Mall of America, Valley Fair, and Albertville. Valley Fair was awesome, I'll try and post some pictures soon. I went on the Wild Thing 5 times with my friend Tara, both of us had never been on a roller coaster before this, but we would definatly go again. We have a feeling that Harvest Festival just won't be the same this year. Another new experience was having my first funnel cake, it was delicious.
After Minniapolis I went back to work and started working on my Coaching assignments. I had originally planned to go to the course at the end of August, but it just isn't going to work. I am hoping to have my CanSkate done by September and then finish my Phase 2 by spring when the course is offered again. I have been busy cutting music the last week or so, and love it, I love creating programs in my head as I edit the music, it makes it all worthwhile. Also, after a much needed break from the ice, I am starting again next week. I have been going the last two weeks for mentoring, but will actually start skating next week. I am still in need of a coach, but have decided to not worry about it too much. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen.I am also looking for a new job, a full time job, preferably an office position of some kind, so if you hear of anything let me know. I am still working at Superstore for the time being, and the scary part is I am the highest senority in my department, itsn't that sad, I am 18 and I have made it to the top of the senority list for being their the longest. There is one other girl who has been there longer but is restricted and so she is then bumped down, but still.My summer has been busy with everything but most of all my friends, as it is our last summer before some of us go of to school, we are hanging out all the time, which is awesome! Last saturday we had a fire at my house and decided to go to the park to take some pictures, they turned out really cool, here is a sample of them.
Also, this summer I have joined a baseball team. It's slowpitch and it's alot of fun. I can't hit the ball, but oh well, I guess that's what you get when you haven't played in years. I am getting better and its good exercise. We have a tournament at the end of August so that will be fun.
Jennie and Rachel [my SIL's] are both doing well, the babies are doing well as well. Jennie is due at the end of October, beginning of November. Rachel is due at the end of September. I'm pretty excited, I love babies.
Anyways, I'm off to go edit some more music, I hope your day is going well and I'll try and post more grad pictures as soon as can.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Top 100 Movies
- The Cutting Edge: Going For Gold
- Step Up
- Stomp the Yard
- Over the Hedge
- Raise Your Voice
- The Perfect Man
- Into the Blue
- Accepted
- The Perfect Score
- Stick It
- What A Girl Wants
- She's the Man
- Blue Crush
- Honey
- The Pacifier
- National Treasure
- Monster-In-Law
- Carch and Release
- Ice Princess
- John Tucker Must Die
- A Cinderella Story
- The Notebook
- The Day After Tomorrow
- Coach Carter
- The Prince & Me
- Never Been Kissed
- The Holiday
- Because I Said So...
- The Last Holiday
- Taxi
- The Grinch that Stole Christmas
- The Core
- On The Line
- Jersey Girl
- Failure To Launch
- How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
- Meet the Robinsons
- The Guardian
- Pirates of the Carribean
- Princess Diaries 2
- Extreme Days
- Crossroads
- Shrek
- Robots
- High School Musical
- Chasing Liberty
- New York Minute
- Hardball
- The Lake House
- Save The Last Dance
- Save The Last Dance 2
- A Walk To Remember
- Finding Nemo
- Final Destination 2
- 2Ge+her
- Ever After
- Runaway Jury
- The Wedding Planner
- Sister Act 2
- Grease
- Bring It On: All or Nothing
- Hitch
- Just My Luck
- Ice Age
- The Devil Wears Prada
- You, Me & Dupree
- Nanny McPhee
- Gridiron Gang
- Take the Lead
- School of Rock
- Family Stone
- Oceans 11
- Alex & Emma
- Serendipity
- Madagascar
- The Longest Yard
- Cheaper by the Dozen 1 & 2
- Yours, Mine & Ours
- Miss Congeniality 1 & 2
- The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
- Beauty Shop
- Just Friends
- The Wedding Date
- A Lot like Love
- 50 First Dates
- Shark Tale
- First Daughter
- S.W.A.T.
- Paycheck
- The Rundown
- The Lord of the Rings trilogy
- Sweet Home Alabama
- Mr. Deeds
- Maid in Manhatten
- Stuart Little
- Speed
- Music & Lyrics
- Fast & the Furious
- Freaky Friday
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Busy, Busy, Busy
Exams are almost here, which is getting me a little stressed. I have a 6 hour [4 days] provincial english exam on june 4-7. The worst part is you can't really study because its all just answering questions in depth. My math exam is June 12, and my chemistry exam is June 19. I also have my technical chemistry paper due June 4 and a band concert on June 6. I have two tests next week, and Chemistry test on Thursday and a English test on Wednesday. So, you can see I'm extremely busy with school right now.
On June 16 and 17 I have a theory course for coaching in the city so I'll be one step closer to getting my coaching. This is kind of a bad weekend for me because it will cut back a lot on my studying for my chemistry exam but oh well.
Well thats all for me for now.
God Bless
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Good To Be Home...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A little of this...a little of that
Anyways, I got my confirmation email yesterday about my coaching course next weekend. I can't believe I'm actually going to be a coach with in a year or so, I am so pumped. Next week [Tues - Thurs] is also my school band trip to Winnipeg, yes very exciting. So it will be a long week, and a lot of homework. Just to give you a feel I have a Comp. English test on Monday [before I leave], a 1000 word english essay, a 5ish page Chem Paper due, and possibly a math test. I will be happy when I hand it all in.
I can't believe how nice it is outside, I spent alot of time outside on Saturday, and it was so nice. It was my friend Rey's 16th birthday last Friday, and his party was on Saturday. So me and my friends bought him a car...literally. We gave him a box with a key inside and a note that said, go look outside, and on the driveway was a little remote control car. It was so funny, he loved it so all was good.
Well, that is all for now, hope you are having a great week.
God Bless.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
So, I had my 18th birthday party last sunday and it was crap. I wasn't even the reason for the party by the end, half the time I was inside because I knew I would burst into tears or scream at somebody if I stayed outside. I hated it, because I felt so selfish, I should just be thankful for what I have. When I was opening presents everyone was talking and nobody even cared what I was doing except for like one person who was sitting beside me, like do you know how worthless you feel when that happens. I just don't know why it is bothering me so much.
This whole week hasn't been much better, I feel okay and then all of a sudden I am blinking back tears, I feel very alone right now, even though I know I'm not. I feel like a failure and it sucks. Like take today for instance, I was at skating practicing with my dance partner and he was explaining something to me and all of a sudden I felt like crying, he wasn't being mean or anything, I don't know what is wrong with me. I feel like just crawling in a hole and staying there forever.
I feel like people expect either extreme greatness or they expect me to fail. I feel torn and confused. I just don't know what to do.
Anyways, I'm sorry for wasting anybodys time who read this, I hope your day is going well.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Stars On Ice
In other news, I landed my axel for the first time on Wednesday. This may not be a big thing for you, but this is the fourth year I am working on my axel, so I was extremely pumped when I landed it on Wednesday. I also learned how to do an A-spin on Tuesday, which was cool. An A-spin is where you spin on one foot grab the foot off the ice, and have your head by your knees, its really hard to explain, but yeah.
I had the pleasure of my first exam of the semester this week. Yes already, it's a three part exam and part one was this week. It was a really weird exam too. It was for consumer, and the project was to start a clothing store. It was really weird for a math exam.
Skating is going well, I'm feeling so much better in skating lately which is a huge relief for me because I really was thinking about quitting so it is so much easier to work hard when you want to be at the rink. Test day is in a week tomorrow, I'm not really that nervous, I've been working hard on my dances, and feel confident with them.
That's all for now, I hope you are all having a great day as you read this, and if you aren't, I hope your day gets better.
God Bless
Sunday, April 08, 2007
My Tunes From A-Z
All-American Rejects, The
Afters, The
Aly & AJ
Brandon Paris Band
Building 429
Blink 182
Billy Talent
Big Daddy Weave
Bethany Dillon
Barlow Girl
Calling, The
Carrie Underwood
Casting Crowns
Chris Daughtry
Chris Rice
Chris Tomlin
Christina Aguilera
Click Five, The
David Crowder Band
East West
Eva Avila
Frey, The
Faith Hill
Gavin DeGraw
Hawk Nelson
Imogen Heap
Jeremy Camp
Joel Houston
John Waller
Katharine McPhee
Katy Fitzgerald
Krystal Meyers
Leann Rimes
Lene Marlin
Lost Prophets
Mark Schultz
Martina McBride
Matthew West
Michael Buble
Melissa O'Neil
My Chemical Romance
Natalie Grant
Natasha Bedingfield
Nelly Furtado
Nicole Nordeman
Out of Eden
Paul Baloche
Rascal Flatts
Relient K
Seventh Day Slumber
Shawn McDonald
Teddy Gieger
Three Days Grace
Vanessa Carlton
Yolanda Adams
Friday, March 30, 2007
Retail Marketing
I haven't made any final course decisions, especially since I'm not planning to go to University this fall, but next fall. Anyways, I thought this was kinda cool, because I was kinda in the dark about what I wanted to focus on in University.
Well, thats all for now.
God Bless
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Spring Break
On Friday was my 18th Birthday, and my parents took me out for supper to Boston Pizza, and then I just hung out the rest of the evening. Alot of my friends weren't around on my birthday, so I didn't have a party, not yet anyways. So far I have received some scrapbooking supplies, jewellry, flowers, and stars on ice tickets! Anybody who has any good ideas for what I should do for my 18th birthday party please let me know.
This weekend was pretty laid back, I went to the Morden Ice Show on Saturday night with some of the other skaters. I thought it was really good, their theme was 'Reality On Ice' it was so cute. It was cool to see how other clubs run their ice shows.
Spring School [skating] starts next week, I'm actually looking forward to it. I have a coach which is exciting, and I'm hoping to finally pass my Paso Doble. I also have hopes of landing my axel, my coach has seen my practice it and thinks that she can help me land it, so I'm kinda anxious, I really want to land that jump. I've been working on it for a long time.
I have also decided to take the first coaching course in May, I was kinda leary about missing so much school, but I'm hoping to make some of the work up before I leave, so that its not such a big load of homework when I get back.
I decided to leave part of a song that has really inspired me, with all those who look at my blog.
One Way Jesus - Joel Houston
You are the way, the truth and the light
we live by faith and not by sight for you,
we live it all for you
One Way Jesus
You're the only one that I could live for
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Carnival went well, I skated my program really well which was awesome, I was pretty nervous and I felt really shaky before I went out on the ice, so for me it was such a high. I had a nice sized cheering section..thanks guys:D I even got flowers and candy form my cheering section!!!The night seemed to go very smoothly, and all my worries about the night disappeared. Although, my chicky Brittany's blade broke which sucked, and so she couldn't skate her program or our last routine. So, Kyla, took her place, take note, she didn't know the steps till that day...and she did wonderfully! You rock Kyla:D
I went grad ring shopping yestersday, and looked at a few, but didn't order one because they haven't gotten the new designs in yet, so I'm waiting for a week or so. I got my grad proofs in the mail last week and am quite pleased with them, not a fan of the cap on my head, but oh well. Grad's coming up [note the ticker], and I'm getting excited, but can't lose focus, I have 3 exams at the end of the semester to get through still, so yeah, once I'm done those I will more be excited.
Anyways, I hope your day or week for the matter is going well as you read this. God Bless
I'm out:D
P.S. Rach - I put the baby ticker up for ya, happy?, now where is my name on your friends list?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Organized Chaos
Monday after dress rehersal the Starskaters [which is the more advanced skaters, like me] had an hour of ice and so I was running through my Paso [the dance which I feel and injured my right knee on] and I feel again, no not on my knee, but I feel and cut the back of my left leg open. At first I didn't think it was anything, because I couldn't see any blood, and my tights weren't ripped or anything, but it wouldn't stop throbbing, so I went to the dressing room and took on layer of tights off and noticed blood on that pair, so I took of my skates and tights to see that I had a pretty nasty cut on my leg, so luckly I had my snap up pants and snapped them on and went to the lobby where some of the parents were watching and was like, 'I need a nurse' So, they cleaned it and were like, I think you need stitches. So, I called my mom and she took me to the hospital and I got 5 stitches. So, that night it wasn't painful at all, since it was frozen and all, but the next day it hurt to move it. But its doing much better already, I skated yesterday, cautiously, but the doctor said I was good to go for Saturday.
Anyways, I found out the other day the my coaching course is being offered at the beginning of may, which kinda sucks because I have my school band tour the 1-3 and then my course is the 4-6 so I'd miss 4 days of school.
Anyways, thats all for now. Remember to come to the Winkler Arena at 7:00 on Saturday for Carnival!!!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Test Day
Final Music Choice
Friday, February 23, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Music Choice
It's On - Superchick
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Skate In Face...Ouch

During their side-by-side spins in their long program the got too close and Bryce's skate hit Jessica's face, cutting her face and causing her to fall to the ground. It was awful, I could barely watch it. The amazing thing is that they are planning to compete at the World Championships in Tokyo in March. I saw them in an interview today and she looked like she was doing pretty good, they had the camera from a side angle of her face[the side that didn't get cut], but I saw a little bit, and it didn't look that bad, so thats good. You can watch the accident at They have had such a rough season too, its unbelievable. At the beginning of the season Jess fell out of a lift, causing some knee problems, so they had to withdraw from the grand prix circuit, which is basically just the beginning competitions of the year. Then they competed at Canadians and won. Then they went to Four Continents and this happened. They just can't catch a break. Anyways, thats all for now.
January 2007 Editors Choice Award
"The Journey"
Thursday, February 15, 2007
In other amy news [my attempt at humor...sorry], my brother and his wife [kev and rach] are expecting a baby, so....I'm going to be an auntie. They live in Saskatoon so it's not really registering quite yet. Anyways, they told us the news by sending us flowers and on the card it said to grandma, grandpa and auntie from baby. Its so cute.
So, guess what...I can get marks for blogging. My english trans teacher said he'll give us marks if we have a blog. Can you believe it, I was like
So, anyways, if you have any advise on what to do about skating or getting baptised, please let me know...hope you are having a good day